Friday, October 22, 2010

The Universe is trying to tell me something...

Tonight i have my 10 year high school reunion and i'm kind of dreading it. If you don't already know this about me, I hate small talk. I'm just not good at it... And I feel like this reunion is going to be a night of small talk. A night of telling people who in most cases I haven't seen in ten years about what those years have been like... in 25 words or less. What fun!

Having said that, i guess i am interested in what a few of them have been up to, I'm sure there will be some great stories and many adventures to share (some of them mine), so hopefully it will be a night to catch up on the fun things, not a night to revisit the cliquey smugness of my private girls school education.

In the same day that the last ten years caught up with me i had another blast from the past, which is the reason i'm writing. My early teenage years were spent doing a lot of reading... I did a lot of other things (under 13s basketball with the Waverley Raiders to name just one highlight) but reading was definitely up there. And there was one series which i remember the most. I was obsessed with them and wanted to live their lives (elizabeth, not jessica), and that was the Sweet Valley series.

There was Sweet Valley Twins, Sweet Valley High, and Sweet Valley University. And this morning I discovered (thanks on twitter) that now, years after they finished releasing them, there is going to be another book - Sweet Valley Confidential! Am too excited.

Interesting timing though... I'm realising that these 10 years which have come and gone since leaving high school have been incredible, and I wouldn't take back any of them (not yet anyway), and even if the five girls under 26 in my team don't even know who Elizabeth and Jessica are (WTF!), the main thing is that i'm old enough to know cool stuff like this. And i'm totally happy with that.,,20435286,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An awesome book i've heard of!
Ok, so it's not a novel but i've heard rave reviews. I'll report back on it once it bloody turns up from Amazon.
That is all

Sorry about last bookclub

I can't believe I broke my promise already! I still haven't blogged about out last book club (The Other Hand) and now I've forgotten a lot of the detail!

In future i'm going to borrow Brett's dicta phone thingy and record it so i can be a little more thorough. I promise!

Bookclub is next week at the House of Deniz (sans Jenny Deniz as she'll be gallivanting off somewhere interstate) and we've all been reading The Godfather (or at least i hope we have!) and i have to say i'm almost finished reading it and i love it! It's not my style of book at all, or at least i thought it wasn't but i'm 100% in! I never would have picked it up off the book shelf, and to be honest i didn't even know it was a book before it was a movie, but i'm converted. Nice choice Abby!

I have another confession to make... I fully intend to break with protocol and watch the three movies before we catch up on Wednesday... I think I've seen them before but i clearly don't remember. I feel like the book is intrinsically linked to the film now, and throughout the entire (very long) book I've been picturing all the characters straight from the film, so it should be interesting to see the differences.

Plus we always forget to talk about the film version of the books we read after the fact, and i bet you lot have all already seen the movies so i just want to be able to keep up with conversation!

See you on Wednesday!

Catcher in the Rye

Hi book clubbers, through my awesome investigation powers i have discovered that Catcher in the Rye will be discussed on the First Tuesday Book Club tonight on ABC.

I honestly don't know what they could discuss/uncover which we haven't already covered, but i suppose they might have another perspective...

Anyway it might be interesting...